Office of PFT Vice Presidents (Exec Board)
(A Prerequisite for All PFT positions is full dues paying membership in PFT)
· High School Vice President
· Middle School Vice President
· Elementary Vice President
· Special Education Vice President
All PFT Vice Presidents are to:
- Have a clear understanding of their respective levels, the vertical and horizontal coordination/interactions of grade levels/departments and to work with the SPED VP to coordinate Sped/GenEd needs.
· Understand initiatives/work the District is currently engaged in. For example: Scheduling, Professional Time, Class size, TLC/PDAB
- Be first line of communication for ideas from teachers to PFT as well as proactively communicate with their levels. Visit schools to connect and provide PFT information. Participate in appropriate site/district conversations specific to PFT related issues
- Have an understanding of scheduling at their grade level.
- Be versed in the PFT budget
- Attend district and /or union social & recognition functions for the Vice President’s respective grade level.
● Support grade level PFT site meetings as needed through attendance, handouts, communication
- Attend weekly 2 hr. PFT Executive Board meetings
- Attend monthly 2 hr. PFT Rep Council meetings
In addition, the SPED VP shall have a clear understanding of SPED programs, IEP process and outside agencies and their relationship implications; regularly communicate with and work with the SPED office on issues, policies and budget pertaining to unit members; be versed in SPED budget; attend SPED Issues and Policies Committee.
All PFT Vice Presidents are elected by the PFT membership and serve a one year term. Compensation for duties listed above and attendance of PFT Exec Board and Rep Council meetings is $7000.00.