
Office of PFT Vice Presidents (Exec Board)  

(A Prerequisite for All PFT positions is full dues paying membership in PFT) 





·        High School Vice President  


·        Middle School Vice President  


·        Elementary Vice President  


·        Special Education Vice President   




All PFT Vice Presidents are to:                                                       

  • Have a clear understanding of their respective levels, the vertical and horizontal coordination/interactions of grade levels/departments and to work with the SPED VP to coordinate Sped/GenEd needs.

·        Understand initiatives/work the District is currently engaged in. For example: Scheduling, Professional Time, Class size, TLC/PDAB

  • Be first line of communication for ideas from teachers to PFT as well as proactively communicate with their levels. Visit schools to connect and provide PFT information. Participate in appropriate site/district conversations specific to PFT related issues
  • Have an understanding of scheduling at their grade level.
  • Be versed in the PFT  budget
  • Attend district and /or union social & recognition functions for the Vice President’s respective grade level.                                 

●    Support grade level PFT site meetings as needed through attendance, handouts, communication

  • Attend weekly 2 hr. PFT Executive Board meetings
  • Attend monthly 2 hr. PFT Rep Council meetings


In addition, the SPED VP shall have a clear understanding of SPED programs, IEP process and outside agencies and their relationship implications; regularly communicate with and work with the SPED office on issues, policies and budget pertaining to unit members; be versed in SPED budget; attend SPED Issues and Policies Committee.




All PFT Vice Presidents are elected by the PFT membership and serve a one year term. Compensation for duties listed above and attendance of PFT Exec Board and Rep Council meetings is $7000.00.




Thank you for visiting our website.  If you have an questions, please contact us


Contact Us

Poway Federation of Teachers Local 2357
13475 Danielson Street
Suite 190

Poway, CA 92064
(858)674-2805 fax