About PFT

Classroom Supplies Online Donations and Field Trip Fees Website - click here

Classroom Supplies using Online Donation Site

What teachers need to do first to be eligible for donations: Go to www.pusddonate.org. Click your grade level (elementary, middle, high), click your “Site”, click “Teachers”. Please be sure your name is listed. The website is linked to the district’s payroll system.  Therefore, the donation website uses the same name you are using for payroll purposes (legal name).  Unfortunately, we cannot change that name.

What the Online Donation website provides:

1. Parents have the option of donating directly to their child’s teacher(s), program, department, grade level, program, or the school site’s general fund using this online donation website. The website is designed to provide parents with an easy and convenient way to help fund our instructional supply needs. Teachers and schools have received more than $100,000.00 in donations using this website. It works.

2. Parents may access the donation website by going to www.pusddonate.org.  Parents receive a tax deduction and email confirmation when donating. The website also includes a “Matching Gift Program” if a parent’s employer provides that benefit.

3. Teachers receive an automatic email confirmation stating the amount of the donation, donor’s name and email, and student’s name, if provided by the parent. Our District uses a spam filter. Therefore, to receive confirmation emails from the donation site you must check your spam folder. When you see the link, pusdonline@firstlinemerchant.com that’s the Online Donation secure banking (when using a credit card) email address. Please “whitelist” this email address. For accounting purposes, your site finance clerk or site secretary receives a monthly report of all donations. If you have not received an email confirmation but think you have received a donation, check with your site secretary or finance clerk.

Donation: Teachers access these donations the same way they would their regular supply budget/s at the site.

COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES: Teachers may communicate this website to parents via their MyConnect site, newsletter, and/or during Back-to-School Night (see Common Message on Q&A attached). To promote greater equity among all our classrooms, we suggest grade-level teams or departments come together to identify their “collective” supply needs and request donations be made to the grade-level or department, rather than individual teachers.

Please note: Donations to this account may only be used for instructional supplies (e.g. school supplies, software, workbooks, art and science materials…). If requesting donations for technology, check with your principal. The primary function of your site Foundation is to purchase software and technology and teachers should be coordinating their efforts.

Field Trip Fees: The Classroom Supplies ~ Online Donations website now offers the option of collecting Field Trip fees. More information and directions for teachers will be coming soon in a separate email.

I've attached an FAQ and a handout you may wish to provide to parents.  Questions or concerns, contact Kris Hizal PFT Director, khizal@powayteachers.org or  khizal@powayusd.com 


FAQ Classroom Supplies
CSOLD Parent Handout

NEW: Field Trip Fees – The online payment website
is much easier for parents and teachers. The teacher receives an email notification confirming payment for the field trip and an account document that includes the teacher’s name, the student’s name and payment. No more checks or cash for the teacher to account for! Reminder, Co-curricular field trips are the school’s responsibility and scholarships will be provided as necessary.
TEACHER DIRECTIONS: Create your own Field Trip account on the Classroom Supplies ~ Online Donation website by first going to our secure online banking website, used to collect fees via credit card and for teachers creating a Field Trip, https://firstlinemerchant.com/PUSD/dev/register.php <https://firstlinemerchant.com/PUSD/dev/login_t.php> .  If you do not already have an account click on, “Create A New Account” and provide your PUSD email address and password. Once verified, teachers are provided a link in their district email to login. Click the link to Login, click Control Panel, and click Field Trips. Follow the directions to create a field trip.Be sure to provide parents with a description, i.e. destination, what to bring, pick up and drop off time and place… Include the cost, and provide an expiration date for parents to pay for the trip.  Click submit and your field trip is now posted on the Classroom Supplies ~ Online Donation website, www.pusddonate.org <http://www.pusddonate.org> for parents to view. Yes, teachers may continue to collect cash or checks.
TRIP PERMIT: Every student must submit a hard copy of the signed Trip Permit. Parents can download the Trip Permit from the website or teachers can provide.
PARENT DIRECTIONS: Parents go to our Classroom Supplies ~ Online Donation website, www.pusddonate.org <http://www.pusddonate.org> . Parents click the teacher’s grade level (elementary, middle, high), click the school site then click the Field Trip button on the school site page. Field trips are listed by the teacher’s name. Click the teacher’s name and field trip description. Parents view the description provided by the teacher and pay for their child’s field trip (includes option to sponsor another student) using their credit card. Parents are charged a convenience fee of $1.00 to help cover the credit card transaction costs.
ACCOUNTING and PAYMENTS: Teachers will be notified by email when a payment for the field trip is received. If you do not receive an email confirmation, be sure to check your spam folder for pusdonline@firstlinemerchant.com">pusdonline@firstlinemerchant.com <https://email.powayusd.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=lu0Fa0Sq_Uqb4Fs24Kg27MavGjtTj9EI0TZTlz5vI9Doif5mMeTMnyLx3IJ21cKK0uJOjEhXWDE.&URL=mailto%3apusdonline%40firstlinemerchant.com> ” and click whitelist. Teachers can also login to their own Field Trip Account and download a report by providing date ranges for payment https://firstlinemerchant.com/PUSD/dev/register.php <https://firstlinemerchant.com/PUSD/dev/login_t.php>
·         Kelly Hamm at the PUSD Foundation, kehamm@powayusd.com">kehamm@powayusd.com does the accounting for donations and field trip fees collected from our Classroom Supplies ~ Online Donation website. Kelly provides your site admin assistant or finance clerk with directions to view your site’s Classroom Supplies ~ Online Donations and Field Trip Fees Report. Kelly also sends a monthly report and payment to the school site indicating the amount paid for donations and field trip fees.

·         Payments for transportation and the field trip site are paid using a Purchase Order from your site. Purchase Orders can take several weeks so please do this ahead of time.

·         If necessary, teachers may continue to collect checks or cash.