PFT Leadership

Union Negotiating Team

Interest Based Problem Solving Team (IBPS): To assist and participate in the Poway Federation of Teachers collective bargaining process with the Poway Unified School District’s negotiation team.

PFT Organization

PFT President: The PFT President shall serve as the Chief Executive Office of the Union and assume all responsibilities commonly attendant upon such a position. The PFT President shall be elected by the PFT membership for a two year term.

PFT Vice President (Executive Board): Each Vice President is the representative of their respective grade level. The position of PFT Vice President shall be elected by their grade level colleagues for a one year term. 

High School Vice President: Job Description and Duties.

Middle School Vice President : Job Description and Duties.

Elementary Vice President: Job Description and Duties.

Special Education Vice President : Job Description and Duties.

PFT Secretary : The PFT Secretary shall keep a permanent record of all minutes and shall be responsible for all correspondence under the direction of the President. The PFT Secretary shall be elected by the PFT membership for a one year term.

PFT Treasurer: The PFT Treasurer is responsible for the recording and accounting of all monies in the name of PFT. The Treasurer shall be elected by the PFT membership for a one year term.

PFT Site Representative: PFT Site Representatives shall served as the representative of the PFT at the site at which they are employed. There shall be one site representative for each twenty-five members employed at the site, or major fraction of such number of members. Site Representatives shall be elected for a one year term.

Poway Professional Development Board(PDAB)/TLC: To oversee and coordinate efforts and make recommendations concerning professional development; to be “first reader” to TLC proposals; to be an active liaison for teachers in the area of TLC; to conduct outreach/informational meetings with teachers across the district and encourage participation in the TLC program. There are a total of four teacher leadership positions on PDAB: K5, 6-8, 9-12, and Sped that serve a two year term. PFT is accepting applications for the following open positions: 6-8, 9-12, and Sped. Requirements: PDAB Application , Site PFT Recommendation, Principal Recommendation.

Poway Professional Assistance Program (PPAP) Job Description: PPAP Governance Board Members review, evaluate, and make suggestions for supporting decisions on teacher’s employment in the District. In addition, PPAP Teacher Governance Board Members work directly with the PPAP Program Coordinator and District PPAP Governance Board Members to direct the work of the PPAP Consultants. There are a total of two Teacher Governance Board Members that serve a three year term. PFT is accepting applications for one open position. Requirements: PPAP Application, Site PFT Recommendation, Principal Recommendation.